Monday 16 January 2017

How to Lose Weight with Herbalife Products

Are you new to Herbalife, wanting to try out your weight loss program but do not know where to start? Have you been taking Herbalife products for quite some time but not seeing any results?
If you are new or losing weight on Herbalife program, you have got the luck today! Because of the ample requests from our newsletter readers, we are going to share with you our specially-designed Herbalife weight loss program that has helped many of our VIP members to lose weight.

Have you checked your Body Mass Index (BMI)?

If you do not know your BMI score, you can use the following BMI calculator to determine it.

BMI Calculator

What does the BMI score say about your weight? If your BMI score falls between 18.5 and 24.9, congratulations, you are in a healthy weight range. You can still take Herbalife weight loss program to shape your disproportionate body as well as lose a few more kilograms of fat.

How to Lose Weight with Herbalife Products?
Which Herbalife products do you need to lose weight?
Formula 1 Shake
Personalized Protein Powder
Thermojetics® Instant Herbal Beverage (Herbal Tea)
Herbal Aloe Concentrate
Plenty of Water
Overall Health Enhancers (optional)
Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
Fibre and Herb Tablets
Cell Activator
Belly Buster Enhancers (optional)

(1) Before you get too excited to kickstart your Day 1 Weight Loss Journey…
Please take a moment to take your 'before' pictures (front, side and back), starting weight as well as some body measurements. To track your progress, you will weigh in every week and take your pictures and body measurements every month.
1. Neck
2. Bust
3. Arms
4. Waist
5. Hips
6. Thighs
7. Calves

(2) If your BMI score says that you are overweight or obese (or you have hit a plateau)…
You should not add protein powder to any of your Formula 1 Shake. Avoiding protein consumption will help soften your accumulated body fat, as a result, your body fat can be burnt off quicker.
On top of that, we recommend you to take 3 heaping spoons of Formula 1 powder instead of 2 heaping spoons as well as 5 capfuls of Aloe Concentrate instead of 3 capfuls to speed up your weight loss progress.
Once you're down to the normal BMI range, you can consider adding back the protein powder, reduce your Formula 1 and Aloe Concentrate consumptions as detailed in the Meal Plan table below.

(3) Determine how much water you need to drink per day…!
Drinking enough water every day is the KEY to losing weight. Here's how you calculate your water intake amount per day.
Multiply your weight (kg) by 7% (or 0.07) = Amount of water intake (L) per dayExample: If you weigh 56 kg, 7% of it is 3.92, which means you will need to drink 3.92 L (~ 4 L) of water per day.

(4) Here comes our specially-designed Herbalife Meal Plan…!


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