Monday 16 January 2017

weight loss with Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake

Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder and Herbalife Afresh Energy Drink Mix to support healthy weight loss. Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix available in french vanilla flavour works as a meal replacement to reduce your calorie intake and helps you manage weight. While, Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder contains a blend of whey and soy protein that helps you get lean and achieve your fitness goals. Further, Herbalife Afresh Energy Drink Mix improves your digestion and reduces the accumulation of fat. All of these, when consumed together help in managing a healthy body weight.

Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix

  • A healthy and quick to prepare balanced meal 
  • Contains a rich source of protein, fiber and essential nutrients
  • Specially formulated to support weight management
  • Can help maintain your metabolic function at the cellular level

Herbalife Personalized Protein Powder

  • Enriched with superior-quality proteins to satisfy hunger 
  • Contains highly-nutritious ingredients- like 5 g of soy and whey protein, and all 9 essential amino acids per serving
  • Assists in building and maintaining lean muscle
  • Helps you achieve your weight management, fitness and health goals

Herbalife Afresh Energy Drink Mix

  • Full of antioxidants, Afresh Drink by Herbalife can be consumed anytime in hot or cold water, twice a day 
  • Features zero sugar and rich nutrients to give your body the head start it needs.
  • Delicious citrus flavour refreshes and rejuvenates you instantly
  • It helps you remain active throughout the day

Herbalife Cell-U-Loss

  • A health supplement specially formulated with corn silk, which is a traditionally used herb
  • Supports the elimination of water in a healthy way 
  • Rich in minerals that help maintain electrolyte balance and a healthy pH level
  • Can be consumed three times a day with meals 

Herbalife Formula 1 Shake 500g Weight Loss - Chocolate

As most of us lead a sedentary life these days, one of the most common health issues is weight gain and obesity. With our hectic schedules, it becomes almost impossible for us to eat a balanced diet or to exercise regularly. This is why we must resort to health supplements and drinks to stay fit and well-nourished. The Herbalife Formula 1 Shake 500 g is one such supplement that helps you a great deal in losing those extra pounds. The shake is packed with nutrients like soy protein isolate, minerals, vitamins, natural herbs, dietary fibre and anti-oxidants. These nutrients help in providing the body the right amount of nutrition it requires without putting on those extra kilos. Available in a chocolate flavour, this shakes is very tasty as well. It is well-suited for both men and women. This 500 g pack is now available online at Snapdeal at a pocket-friendly price.


The nutritional shake from Herbalife is the ultimate supplement to manage weight. It not only helps you lose weight but also helps you gain weight and maintain it so that you do not look sickly. It is low in fat and calories and each serving has only 220 calories. The soy protein isolate, minerals, 19 vitamins, natural herbs, dietary fibre and anti-oxidants help in keeping you healthy and fit.

Suggested Use

The Herbalife Formula 1 Shake 500 g is easy to prepare and consume. Simply add 25 g of the shake mix to 250 ml of water, juice or skimmed milk and enjoy wholesome goodness. To gain weight, take 3 shakes along with 3 meals, to lose weight, take 2 shakes and 1 meal, and to maintain weight take 1 shake and 2 normal meals.

5 Tips for Losing Weight with Herbalife Products

Herbalife products range from nutritional supplements to weight management products. Aloe vera has been an increasingly popular weight loss aid because it helps to kick start and reset the gut, leaving consumers with more energy. The most popular Herbalife weight management product is their Formula 1 protein shake, which replaces meals with a balanced shake that promotes weight loss. The Formula 1 protein shake is itself a healthy meal with up to 21 vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients that help a consumer lose weight and keep skin looking healthy. That means that in addition to being a complete meal replacement, the Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake also eliminates the need for vitamin pills.

Herbalife products are meant to jumpstart a lifestyle makeover. For a customer to lose body weight, he or she needs to make other changes as well, which includes daily exercise and regular sleep. It is easy for people to gain weight when they are under a lot of stress as well as when they forget to drink enough water and maintain a regular sleep pattern. To get the maximum weight loss benefits from Herbalife products, it is highly recommended that consumers also make lifestyle changes. Users should work toward a healthy and balanced diet and a regular exercise program that incorporates a balance of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, balance training, and flexibility training to ensure optimal results with Herbalife products. Below is a list of tips and tricks to help jumpstart a diet that will make you look and feel good. Changing food consumption is a good start, but to lose weight faster and keep it off, try these tactics.

1. Know Body Mass Index

Body mass index (BMI) helps to measure body fat with the end goal of determining the weight category into which a person falls. It takes into account a person's weight and height to determine the amount of body fat that a person has. Some people may also use body fat calipers to determine BMI. This allows people to create body fat loss goals during a healthy weight loss program.


Underweight...........................Below 18.5
Normal....................................18.5 – 24.9     
Overweight...............................25.0 – 29.9
Obesity.....................................30.0 and Above

The BMI system is useful for the majority of men and women, but there are some limitations. In older adults with muscle loss, it may underestimate body fat. In people with a very muscular build, it may overestimate body fat. These are all important factors to keep in mind, and it is important to keep in mind that overall energy and strength is just as important, if not more important, than maintaining a so-called "healthy" body weight. Bodies will often signal when something is amiss. This can come to a head in skin breakouts or general low energy.

Getting adequate protein is critical for healthy muscle development. Herbalife Protein Drink Mix supplies 15 grams of soy protein to promote lean muscle mass and encourage optimal heart health because the heart is also a muscle. This drink mix is available in plain or chocolate flavor for those with a sweet tooth, and it works well after a workout to replace lost electrolytes and improve daily protein intake without additional meals. Keep in mind that higher protein foods are ideal for after a strength training workout. Two to three heaping spoons of Herbalife Protein Drink Mix after a strong workout can help to build and tone muscle.

2. Consult a Physician

Getting a checkup before embarking on a weight loss journey is important because everyone needs to know their general health status before making major lifestyle changes, especially when replacing meals is concerned. It is also smart to get a doctor's opinion before incorporating extra nutrients or additional supplements into their journey. There are elements that can affect weight loss, such as metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism, so knowing about these is important when creating weight loss goals. It is also important to make sure that all ingredients in Herbalife products are safe for each individual. For example, some have ephedra-containing ingredients, such as ma huang, which is not safe for those with heart conditions. It is also good to cross-check the side effects of Herbalife products to make sure they will not interact with any health history.

3. Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

The Herbalife products are a part of a balanced diet so that users get all of the essential nutrients while lowering their caloric intake for weight loss. The Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake contains 21 vitamins and minerals, protein, and fiber, making it a well-rounded meal for both breakfast and lunch. The user should add shake and fresh fruit, as well as milk or soy milk, before blending up the shake. Protein and fiber promote satiety to reduce appetite, and the right mix of vitamins and minerals ensure an overall healthy body, including skin and organs. Individuals can consume the shake during the early weight loss phase and during the later weight management phase. Users should never feel starving as that means something is not working correctly.

4. Set Realistic Goals

When starting on a weight loss journey, it might seem like a good idea to set a high goal. However, this can result it being discouraged quickly. It is better to set a realistic goal, so that the diet does not interfere with life or work, and so that energy levels stay high. A realistic goal for most people is losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. This means burning 500 to 1,000 more calories than one ingests each day. Since most people are cutting calories, the Herbalife Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex helps to ensure that those on a weight loss program are getting the right amount of essential nutrients every day. They should be taken in the morning and at night or as directed. Again, the Herbalife shake should make the consumer feel good, rather than making him or her hungry for additional meals. The shakes are available in a variety of flavors, from café latte to cookies and cream, which should keep the consumer sated.

5. Fitness Routine Components

An effective fitness routine is based on cardiovascular training, strength training, balance training, and flexibility training. All of these come together to ensure a body that is fit and able to take on life's challenges. Herbalife23 Hydrate helps to maintain hydration levels during vigorous exercise and it contains metabolism-supporting B vitamins that work to increase overall energy levels. B vitamins are typically found in animal fats, such as beef, eggs, and chicken. By consuming B vitamins via a shake or drink, it becomes easier for a user to lose weight without becoming deficient in these important vitamins.

Cardiovascular Exercise

When people think of how to lose weight, they often think of running or jogging. Cardiovascular exercise increases heart rate and breathing rate, and it works to strengthen the heart and lungs. This form of exercise is a great activator for the metabolic system. It is easy to burn calories effectively, which puts you on the road to a healthy weight loss. Common activities include jogging or brisk walking, running, swimming, dancing, and biking. Shake up any workout routine to keep it fun to achieve weight loss goals. Setting up a regular time to exercise can also help with incorporating it into a lifestyle. For example, try running every morning before work or every night before dinner.

Strength Training

Strength training works to improve muscle strength and build lean muscle. This helps to improve overall health. Resistance band exercises, lifting weights, and bodyweight exercises are types of strength training. Herbalife24 Formula 1 Sport contains L-Glutamine to support muscle growth and milk protein to promote lean muscle mass. The blend of moderate glycemic carbohydrates provides immediate energy before a good workout.

Balance Training

Balance training improves balance to reduce the likelihood of falls. Tai chi is a popular fitness routine that works to improve balance, as well as yoga. For those who prefer to exercise at home, try walking heel-to-toe and standing on one foot to help promote better balance.

Flexibility Training

Flexibility training keeps the muscles limber and ensures a greater freedom of movement, while also helping to increase range of motion. Yoga is an option for improving flexibility as well as strength. Simple stretches at home can work to improve flexibility as well. Search YouTube for stretching exercises to get a good idea of the types of movements you should be doing.

Herbalife diet supplement with regular exercise

Regular physical activity has many benefits. It is a potent stress buster, it can help keep weight off and it lowers your risk of developing major chronic diseases. Additional benefits include increased energy, stronger bones and muscles, improved sleep, improved body shape, a boost to mental well being and a change in your outlook on life.
For some quick tips, see below.

1 Renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Think about increasing the types of activities that work for your lifestyle and that can easily be built into your day. Make it a point to read up on fitness news and information, such as this article about exercise. Put your fitness plan into action today!

2 Aerobic exercise is important for the cardiovascular system. It’s defined by repetitive motion such as running, swimming or cycling. It can also tone muscles. Incorporating a little of both aerobic and resistance training is best for your daily routine.

3 Set small, specific goals you can stick to (like losing 5 percent of body weight or exercising three times a week, etc.) Drink green tea (which helps promote weight loss). Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables during your day.

4 Resistance exercise is important for healthy muscles and bones. It also builds strength. It’s defined by activities with short bursts of energy, such as weight lifting, playing sports and even pushing a lawn mower. Ideally, you need both resistance exercise and aerobic exercise to keep your body operating at its peak.

5 Simple ways work for getting fit – you don’t need to join a gym. If you become more active in your everyday life – such as parking your car further and walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even walking to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing them – you’ll get fit faster.

6 Your metabolism doesn’t slow with age. It’s just that as people get older they do less strength-training and can lose lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism – and the faster you’ll lose weight. Keep your exercise and activity levels up each year, and you’ll simultaneously maintain your muscle tone, keep your metabolism up and maximize healthy weight loss.

7 At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, at least five times each week, will keep you physically active. You can split each half hour into three 10-minute sessions. If 30 minutes are out of reach right now, start with what you can do and gradually build up.

8 Keep hydrated by consuming at least two liters of water each day. It is even more important to drink water before, during and after exercise. Even low-intensity exercise requires you to be well-hydrated.

9 Rest between workouts and allow your body time to recover.

We are a global nutrition company that has helped people pursue a healthy, active life since 1980. Our nutrition, weight-management and personal care products are available exclusively through our more than 2.3 million independent Associates in more than 90 countries.

We support the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife program to help bring good nutrition to children in need. We also sponsor world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including the LA Galaxy and FC Barcelona soccer clubs, as well as champions in more than 15 other sports.

Our Mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight-management products in the world.

If you wish lose weight in a proper and healthy then, you may opt for the Herbalife Formula 1 Weight Loss Shake 500g. These kid of health supplements are rich in a number of natural ingredients that will help you to maintain a slim figure. This weight loss shake is 100 percent vegetarian and contains no sugar. It is formulated with good quality soy protein isolate which is a high quality protein that is prepared from vegetarian sources. It is also enriched with 21 special vitamins and minerals along with essential nutrients, which ensures to meet the daily nutritional needs of your body. This product is available in mango flavour and in a 500 gm packs. This health supplement is suitable for people who wish to lose weight. It is now available at Snapdeal at an affordable price.


The Herbalife Formula 1 Weight Loss Shake 500g is made keeping in mind the mental and physicals wellness of the users. Proper intake of this weight loss shake from Herbalife help individuals to lose weight in a healthy way. It also burns body fat, enhances energy and prevents from junk food craving.

Suggested Use

The speciality of the Herbalife Formula 1 Weight Loss Shake 500g is that you can also enjoy the drink mix, hot or cold and anytime you want. To make a cup of this weight loss shake, you can simply mix 25 gm or 3 tablespoon in a cup of 250 ml of hot or cold water, milk or juice and serve. Make sure that the spoon is dry when you are taking out the powder.

weight loss guide: Herbalife shakes provide essential vitamins for good health

Herbalife shakes provide up to 21 essential vitamins and minerals in one delicious glass. The shakes contain fiber, protein, and essential nutrients that help boost metabolic function at the cellular level. Simply mix the shake mix with low fat or soymilk, add fresh fruit and ice, and enjoy.

We understand how confusing it is if you are new to Herbalife’s weight loss plan. Most beginners tend to feel overwhelmed with the amount of information and products that are offered, thus not knowing where to start.
Some people who have been taking Herbalife products for some time, on the other hand, do not see the results they want. No need to worry! By reading along, you’ll see our specially-designed Herbalife weight loss plan. It has been proven to have helped many of our VIP Members to lose weight and see results. We have been getting requests from our newsletter readers, so it’s about time we let you in on the proven and tested methods.

Do you know your Body Mass Index (BMI) score?

It is important that you find out your BMI before beginning any weight loss programme. This will help in determining the Herbalife weight loss plan that suits your weight loss goal .

Find out your BMI here: BMI Calculator

BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. If your BMI score falls between 18.5 to 24.9, you are in a healthy weight range. In such case, you may still push through with the Herbalife weight loss programme as Herbalife products do not only let you lose weight, but also regulate and maintain the right amount of nutrients to your body, letting you achieve a better weight and healthier lifestyle. Following the programme, you will also notice the shaping effects Herbalife products have on your body and slowly getting the curve that you have always wanted.
If your BMI score says that you are underweight, you might want to take on a weight gain plan. As for people who are overweight and beyond, please read through the post as your weight loss plan will be slightly different from those who have a Normal BMI score.


Underweight...........................Below 18.5
Normal....................................18.5 – 24.9    
Overweight...............................25.0 – 29.9
Obesity.....................................30.0 and Above

(1) Before embarking on the 1st day of your Weight Loss Journey…!
Take your ‘before’ pictures first. Make sure to take these from different angles (font, side, and back). Get on a weighing scale to get your starting weight as well as a tape measure to determine your body measurements. Please weigh in every week and take pictures together with body measurements every month so you have a basis in which to track your progress, instead of guessing it for yourserlf (or asking people if they see any results).
These are the body parts which you have to measure:
1. Neck
2. Bust
3. Arms
4. Waist 5. Hips
6. Thighs
7. Calves

(2) READ THIS if your BMI score tells you that you are overweight or obese (or you have hit a plateau)…
You need to temporarily take away the protein powder to your Formula 1 Shake. Removing protein powder from your Herbalife meal plan will help soften those extra body fats, and as a result, these fats can be burnt off faster. When you’ve regained a normal BMI score, you may take the protein powder again, following the Herbalife Meal Plan (detailed table below).

(3) Find out how much water you need to drink per day to lose weight…
The KEY to losing weight is to drink plenty of water. No, it doesn’t merely mean drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Here’s how to calculate the right amount of water you have to consume per day based on your weight:
Multiply your weight (kg) by 7% (or 0.07) = Amount of water intake (L) per dayExample: If you weigh 65 kg, 7% of it is 4.55, which means you will need to drink 4.55 L (~ 4.5 L) of water per day.​

(4) The Herbalife Meal Plan:

Morning Plan:

Drink Herbal Aloe (250 mL)
3 – 5 caps of Aloe Concentrate in 250 mL of plain water.
2. Drink Herbal Tea (500 mL)
1 teaspoon of Herbal Tea powder in 500 mL of water.
You may drink it warm or cold.
3. 30 Mins after Your Tea: Drink Formula 1 Protein Shake (400 mL) & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
2 – 3 heaping spoons of F1 and 2 heaping spoons of protein in 400 mL plain water.
You may add oat, sesame, fruits and blend them for a filling breakfast meal.
If you decided to use a blender to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.
4. ONE Hour after Your Shake: Drink Herbal Tea (500 mL)
1 teaspoon of Herbal Tea powder in 500 mL of water.
You may drink it warm or cold.
5. By 12 PM: MUST Finish Your Morning Intake of Water (Half of Your Water Intake Requirement)
Your 500 mL of Herbal Tea intake at step 2 and 4 are counted, so you will only need the remaining Litre of plain water for the morning session.
6. UNABLE to Finish Half of Your Water & Tea Intake in the Morning?
Drink more glasses of Herbal Aloe (250 mL) before you take your lunch.
1 glass of Herbal Aloe is equivalent to drinking 1 L of water.

Afternoon plan:

Drink Formula 1 Protein Shake (400 mL) & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
2 – 3 heaping spoons of F1 and 2 heaping spoons of protein in 400 mL plain water.
You may add oat, sesame, fruits and blend them for a filling lunch meal.
If you decided to use a blender to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.
​** can switch with a Normal meal if your dinner is a Shake
2. ONE Hour after Your Shake and By 4 PM: Drink Herbal Tea (1000 mL)
1 – 2 teaspoons of Herbal Tea powder in 1000 mL of water.
You may drink it warm or cold.
3. Between 4 PM to 6 PM: Drink Plain Water & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
You must finish the remaining water intake of the day.
4. UNABLE to Finish the Required Amount of Water per Day by 6 PM?
You should not try to reach your water intake goal after 6 PM, just forget it and try again tomorrow.

Drinking NO water or just a little bit of water after 6 PM is to avoid water retention in your body, which will result in gaining water weight.

Night Plan:

 Take Dinner Early (6 PM – 7 PM)
Less calories
Less oily
More colouring vegetables

​​## can switch with a Shake if your lunch is a Normal meal.

Before Sleeping: 

1. Drink Herbal Aloe (250 mL)
3 – 5 caps of Aloe Concentrate in 250 mL of plain water.
2. Drink Formula 1 Shake (400 mL) – No Protein (optional) & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
2 – 3 heaping spoons of F1 in 400 mL plain water.
You may add oat, sesame, fruits and blend them for a yummy supper.
If you decided to use a blender to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.
** You may mix the Herbal Aloe with F1 Shake

WARNING: The consumption of Herbal Tea (max 4 teaspoons per day) varies from person to person. The quantity depends on how your body handles the boost in metabolism. Consuming too much of Herbal Tea may cause increase of heart rate, dizziness and constant sweat. So, please adjust the consumption of Herbal Tea accordingly.

(5) Something You Need to Know about Our Herbalife Meal Plan...!
We highly recommend drinking at least TWO Formula 1  Shake in a day. You may also drink up to 4 shakes a day, but that’s entirely up to your budget. Drinking more shakes, lets your body receive more nutrients. You won’t feel as hungry, which means there are fewer chances for you to snack on unhealthy food. As a result, you will lose weight and regain a healthier body quicker.
The whey protein powder actually gives your skin a firmer and smoother look. If you’re in the menopausal stage, then we strongly advise on adding protein to your shake.
To detoxify your body, take the Herbal Aloe drink. When your body is detoxified, it becomes more capable of absorbing the nutrients that Formula 1 Protein Shake carries. Also, you will be able to lose weight faster as part of the unwanted weight comes from toxins deposited in your body.
Potatoes, rice, and other foods, which contain starch may be taken during your normal meal (in manageable portions, of course). We strongly advise you against chemically processed foods that are rich in starch, like pasta, bread, yogurt, cookies, among others. Simply because the detoxifiers, Herbal Aloe and Tea Mix will need to remove these newly consumed chemicals, disabling their abilities to clean off toxins that have been built up in your body for a long time, which in turn will slow down your weight loss progress.
NEVER drink Tea Mix within 30 minutes before AND after drinking your Formula 1 Protein Shake. The Tea Mix washes away most of the nutrients in the Shake.
You are free to omit certain Enhancers to the aforementioned meal plan to suit your budget, just make sure you keep the most basic Herbalife products (Formula 1 Shake, Whey Protein Powder and Tea Mix) to kickoff your weight loss journey. Check out some of the Slim Plan Packages we offer here.

How to Lose Weight with Herbalife Products

Are you new to Herbalife, wanting to try out your weight loss program but do not know where to start? Have you been taking Herbalife products for quite some time but not seeing any results?
If you are new or losing weight on Herbalife program, you have got the luck today! Because of the ample requests from our newsletter readers, we are going to share with you our specially-designed Herbalife weight loss program that has helped many of our VIP members to lose weight.

Have you checked your Body Mass Index (BMI)?

If you do not know your BMI score, you can use the following BMI calculator to determine it.

BMI Calculator

What does the BMI score say about your weight? If your BMI score falls between 18.5 and 24.9, congratulations, you are in a healthy weight range. You can still take Herbalife weight loss program to shape your disproportionate body as well as lose a few more kilograms of fat.

How to Lose Weight with Herbalife Products?
Which Herbalife products do you need to lose weight?
Formula 1 Shake
Personalized Protein Powder
Thermojetics® Instant Herbal Beverage (Herbal Tea)
Herbal Aloe Concentrate
Plenty of Water
Overall Health Enhancers (optional)
Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
Fibre and Herb Tablets
Cell Activator
Belly Buster Enhancers (optional)

(1) Before you get too excited to kickstart your Day 1 Weight Loss Journey…
Please take a moment to take your 'before' pictures (front, side and back), starting weight as well as some body measurements. To track your progress, you will weigh in every week and take your pictures and body measurements every month.
1. Neck
2. Bust
3. Arms
4. Waist
5. Hips
6. Thighs
7. Calves

(2) If your BMI score says that you are overweight or obese (or you have hit a plateau)…
You should not add protein powder to any of your Formula 1 Shake. Avoiding protein consumption will help soften your accumulated body fat, as a result, your body fat can be burnt off quicker.
On top of that, we recommend you to take 3 heaping spoons of Formula 1 powder instead of 2 heaping spoons as well as 5 capfuls of Aloe Concentrate instead of 3 capfuls to speed up your weight loss progress.
Once you're down to the normal BMI range, you can consider adding back the protein powder, reduce your Formula 1 and Aloe Concentrate consumptions as detailed in the Meal Plan table below.

(3) Determine how much water you need to drink per day…!
Drinking enough water every day is the KEY to losing weight. Here's how you calculate your water intake amount per day.
Multiply your weight (kg) by 7% (or 0.07) = Amount of water intake (L) per dayExample: If you weigh 56 kg, 7% of it is 3.92, which means you will need to drink 3.92 L (~ 4 L) of water per day.

(4) Here comes our specially-designed Herbalife Meal Plan…!

Herbalife Shake

Herbalife Base Products are the core of Herbalife's nutrition products, a series of quality products aims to provide a grant of all the topics that your body needs to maintain optimum health.

Herbalife has over 30 years combined the best of science and nature to create healthy and balanced nutritional products that enhance our nutritional well-being, vitality and well-being. Our products are the result of extensive research, development and testing performed by world-leading scientists, nutrition specialists and doctors.

Herbalife nutrition contains an optimal combination of high quality ingredients with vitamins, minerals, good carbohydrates, plant-based protein, healthy fats and beneficial fiber, herbs and antioxidants. Herbalife offers customized programs to meet individual needs and focuses on achieving an optimal diet. - Your Herbalife store!

Herbalife has over 30 years working to combine the best of science and nature to develop nutrition products that improve and support our nutritional health, vitality and well-being, and supporting a successful weight loss.

The main products for weight management is Herbalife Formula 1 Shake Mix, Multivitamin Complex tablets, Fibre and herbal tablets, Instant Herbal tea.

For the active and busy that need a good nutritious meal or a quick good lunch, we have Formula 1 Express Meal.

Want to improve your diet with a healthy breakfast, we recommend our breakfast and lunch packages. Feeling weak and lacking in energy and are not sure if you're getting enough vitamins and minerals we Supplements that will help you. try a good snack when you fancy something sweet, try our delicious Protein Bars.