Monday 16 January 2017

weight loss guide: Herbalife shakes provide essential vitamins for good health

Herbalife shakes provide up to 21 essential vitamins and minerals in one delicious glass. The shakes contain fiber, protein, and essential nutrients that help boost metabolic function at the cellular level. Simply mix the shake mix with low fat or soymilk, add fresh fruit and ice, and enjoy.

We understand how confusing it is if you are new to Herbalife’s weight loss plan. Most beginners tend to feel overwhelmed with the amount of information and products that are offered, thus not knowing where to start.
Some people who have been taking Herbalife products for some time, on the other hand, do not see the results they want. No need to worry! By reading along, you’ll see our specially-designed Herbalife weight loss plan. It has been proven to have helped many of our VIP Members to lose weight and see results. We have been getting requests from our newsletter readers, so it’s about time we let you in on the proven and tested methods.

Do you know your Body Mass Index (BMI) score?

It is important that you find out your BMI before beginning any weight loss programme. This will help in determining the Herbalife weight loss plan that suits your weight loss goal .

Find out your BMI here: BMI Calculator

BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. If your BMI score falls between 18.5 to 24.9, you are in a healthy weight range. In such case, you may still push through with the Herbalife weight loss programme as Herbalife products do not only let you lose weight, but also regulate and maintain the right amount of nutrients to your body, letting you achieve a better weight and healthier lifestyle. Following the programme, you will also notice the shaping effects Herbalife products have on your body and slowly getting the curve that you have always wanted.
If your BMI score says that you are underweight, you might want to take on a weight gain plan. As for people who are overweight and beyond, please read through the post as your weight loss plan will be slightly different from those who have a Normal BMI score.


Underweight...........................Below 18.5
Normal....................................18.5 – 24.9    
Overweight...............................25.0 – 29.9
Obesity.....................................30.0 and Above

(1) Before embarking on the 1st day of your Weight Loss Journey…!
Take your ‘before’ pictures first. Make sure to take these from different angles (font, side, and back). Get on a weighing scale to get your starting weight as well as a tape measure to determine your body measurements. Please weigh in every week and take pictures together with body measurements every month so you have a basis in which to track your progress, instead of guessing it for yourserlf (or asking people if they see any results).
These are the body parts which you have to measure:
1. Neck
2. Bust
3. Arms
4. Waist 5. Hips
6. Thighs
7. Calves

(2) READ THIS if your BMI score tells you that you are overweight or obese (or you have hit a plateau)…
You need to temporarily take away the protein powder to your Formula 1 Shake. Removing protein powder from your Herbalife meal plan will help soften those extra body fats, and as a result, these fats can be burnt off faster. When you’ve regained a normal BMI score, you may take the protein powder again, following the Herbalife Meal Plan (detailed table below).

(3) Find out how much water you need to drink per day to lose weight…
The KEY to losing weight is to drink plenty of water. No, it doesn’t merely mean drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Here’s how to calculate the right amount of water you have to consume per day based on your weight:
Multiply your weight (kg) by 7% (or 0.07) = Amount of water intake (L) per dayExample: If you weigh 65 kg, 7% of it is 4.55, which means you will need to drink 4.55 L (~ 4.5 L) of water per day.​

(4) The Herbalife Meal Plan:

Morning Plan:

Drink Herbal Aloe (250 mL)
3 – 5 caps of Aloe Concentrate in 250 mL of plain water.
2. Drink Herbal Tea (500 mL)
1 teaspoon of Herbal Tea powder in 500 mL of water.
You may drink it warm or cold.
3. 30 Mins after Your Tea: Drink Formula 1 Protein Shake (400 mL) & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
2 – 3 heaping spoons of F1 and 2 heaping spoons of protein in 400 mL plain water.
You may add oat, sesame, fruits and blend them for a filling breakfast meal.
If you decided to use a blender to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.
4. ONE Hour after Your Shake: Drink Herbal Tea (500 mL)
1 teaspoon of Herbal Tea powder in 500 mL of water.
You may drink it warm or cold.
5. By 12 PM: MUST Finish Your Morning Intake of Water (Half of Your Water Intake Requirement)
Your 500 mL of Herbal Tea intake at step 2 and 4 are counted, so you will only need the remaining Litre of plain water for the morning session.
6. UNABLE to Finish Half of Your Water & Tea Intake in the Morning?
Drink more glasses of Herbal Aloe (250 mL) before you take your lunch.
1 glass of Herbal Aloe is equivalent to drinking 1 L of water.

Afternoon plan:

Drink Formula 1 Protein Shake (400 mL) & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
2 – 3 heaping spoons of F1 and 2 heaping spoons of protein in 400 mL plain water.
You may add oat, sesame, fruits and blend them for a filling lunch meal.
If you decided to use a blender to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.
​** can switch with a Normal meal if your dinner is a Shake
2. ONE Hour after Your Shake and By 4 PM: Drink Herbal Tea (1000 mL)
1 – 2 teaspoons of Herbal Tea powder in 1000 mL of water.
You may drink it warm or cold.
3. Between 4 PM to 6 PM: Drink Plain Water & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
You must finish the remaining water intake of the day.
4. UNABLE to Finish the Required Amount of Water per Day by 6 PM?
You should not try to reach your water intake goal after 6 PM, just forget it and try again tomorrow.

Drinking NO water or just a little bit of water after 6 PM is to avoid water retention in your body, which will result in gaining water weight.

Night Plan:

 Take Dinner Early (6 PM – 7 PM)
Less calories
Less oily
More colouring vegetables

​​## can switch with a Shake if your lunch is a Normal meal.

Before Sleeping: 

1. Drink Herbal Aloe (250 mL)
3 – 5 caps of Aloe Concentrate in 250 mL of plain water.
2. Drink Formula 1 Shake (400 mL) – No Protein (optional) & Take 1 Tablet of TC Formula
2 – 3 heaping spoons of F1 in 400 mL plain water.
You may add oat, sesame, fruits and blend them for a yummy supper.
If you decided to use a blender to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.
** You may mix the Herbal Aloe with F1 Shake

WARNING: The consumption of Herbal Tea (max 4 teaspoons per day) varies from person to person. The quantity depends on how your body handles the boost in metabolism. Consuming too much of Herbal Tea may cause increase of heart rate, dizziness and constant sweat. So, please adjust the consumption of Herbal Tea accordingly.

(5) Something You Need to Know about Our Herbalife Meal Plan...!
We highly recommend drinking at least TWO Formula 1  Shake in a day. You may also drink up to 4 shakes a day, but that’s entirely up to your budget. Drinking more shakes, lets your body receive more nutrients. You won’t feel as hungry, which means there are fewer chances for you to snack on unhealthy food. As a result, you will lose weight and regain a healthier body quicker.
The whey protein powder actually gives your skin a firmer and smoother look. If you’re in the menopausal stage, then we strongly advise on adding protein to your shake.
To detoxify your body, take the Herbal Aloe drink. When your body is detoxified, it becomes more capable of absorbing the nutrients that Formula 1 Protein Shake carries. Also, you will be able to lose weight faster as part of the unwanted weight comes from toxins deposited in your body.
Potatoes, rice, and other foods, which contain starch may be taken during your normal meal (in manageable portions, of course). We strongly advise you against chemically processed foods that are rich in starch, like pasta, bread, yogurt, cookies, among others. Simply because the detoxifiers, Herbal Aloe and Tea Mix will need to remove these newly consumed chemicals, disabling their abilities to clean off toxins that have been built up in your body for a long time, which in turn will slow down your weight loss progress.
NEVER drink Tea Mix within 30 minutes before AND after drinking your Formula 1 Protein Shake. The Tea Mix washes away most of the nutrients in the Shake.
You are free to omit certain Enhancers to the aforementioned meal plan to suit your budget, just make sure you keep the most basic Herbalife products (Formula 1 Shake, Whey Protein Powder and Tea Mix) to kickoff your weight loss journey. Check out some of the Slim Plan Packages we offer here.


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